Who are we?
The Outreach program consists of a Youth led resource and information distribution team known as Outreach Community liaisons. They are responsible for providing information, resources, and support regarding CHALK's programs to the 11 Districts of San Francisco. They do this by attending community events, street outreach , site visits, workshops, and more.
Program Coordinator: Irlanzujuan Martin (Eli)
Email: emartin@bacr.org
Who are We?
Youthline is a Youth Media program where Youth participants known as Youthline interns get the opportunity to learn, practice and refine their media skills. They do this through providing CHALK information through Podcasts, WebZines, and Live and pre recorded TV shows. Come Check us out at our website.
Program Coordinator: Irlanzujuan Martin (Eli)
Email: emartin@bacr.org
The Career Pathways for Undocumented Youth program is an opportunity for immigrant youth in San Francisco to gain experience in the workforce as well as build connections to education, resources, opportunities and careers. Participants will receive job readiness training and participate in an internship either at another CHALK program or an external site based on their interests.
To express interest in CPU cohort updates and information please email Sandra Rosillo at srosillo@bacr.org with the subject line - CPU Email List.